Blog Archive

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ok, the teaser is OVER and Overhyped

So as probably most of you know Kristen and I have a huge annoucement. To preface it, around thanksgiving last year we moved in with my parents. About 2-3 weeks before thanksgiving we made our decision to move in with them. I quit my job to finish up school quicker and also to focus on my grades.
Not but 3 days after our decision, Kristen gets this feeling that she needs to take THE TEST. Now, have in mind that the last 2 years we have been trying hard to get pregnant. We had a mis-carriage October of 2007 and that was about it. When we made the decision to move in with my parents, it was to quit putting things on hold and to make a push to finish school.
Back to the test!!! Kristen comes out of the bathroom almost swearing. She is in panic, because we stopped trying and were making changes in our life. She is pregnant.
Lets rewind to the mis-carriage, when we found out in '07 she was pregnant, she was excited and I was shocked and paniced. This time around it was reversed. I am totally ready after two years of work(the good kind)!!!
So we go into the doctor on December 22, 2008 to make sure everything is all right. We get this confirmation!

So we are going to be parents, Sweetness. Now this last Tuesday, Kristen is at her 5 month mark/visit. This is THE VISIT, the visit that lets us know the sex of the baby. So we have the ultrasound, and the nurse, tech, whatever she is, is taking measurements and stuff. Come to find out, our baby is a free spirt. It full out moons us and will not turn over. So the nurse, tech, whatever she is, is now poking Kristen in the stomach and literally tickling her. It was hularious!!! So after some time, we find out that we are having a Little Girl! !!! Here are her current pictures:

Leg (thats for those who failed anatomy)

The arrows are pointing to what the doctor describes as "Girl Parts". I'm just quoting the Doc!

Another picture of the "Girl Parts"
On July 22 Kristen is due with our first child. We already have a name picked out. It will be only disclose to certain people, which is pretty much family. Don't ask, cause I will not tell, until a further date.
Also, as to Tricia's request, I will take a picture of Kristen, hopefully starting tomorrow. Just give me a friendly reminder!!!


Tiffany D Joyner said...
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Gumby said...

Congratulations on the peanut. Whatever you do, don't name your baby JR. I don't think Kristen would appreciate that. But seriously congratulations.

Becky and Ben said...

Awww... I'm so excited for you guys! And very jealous you're having girl!

Jorgen said...

Congrats Bro!

Tricia said...

You know I didn't even realize that all these other posts were on here...yeah for Kristen and Mike. I like the name that you guys picked out, but you knew that already:).

The Figgins said...
