Blog Archive

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

New Blog Idea might be coming soon

I absolutely hate when people make comments about a current event and do not know the whole story. I'm going to write a blog that takes the lack of knowledge that the people of the world have on certain current events. This is mostly economical and financial with a few random thoughts.

For example, Price of oil: Why is it so High? Everyone complains about how high gas is because of the price of oil. They continue with their arguement that the major oil companies should lower the price of gas and oil. The oil companies make too much money. If they will not cut prices then the government should step in and tax the companies and give it back to the public. What the heck, isn't this society that we live in here in the U.S.A. a capitalism society not socialism. Also, if people listen to T.V. and investigate on their own time that the price of oil is a commodity that is traded. Who trades for commodities?...INVESTORS. Oil companies have little, yes that is right, little control of the price of oil. Oil companies are in business, and a business tries to make money. So they are going to pass the cost of oil down to gas and other products that oil makes.

Now this is an arguement that is a little late, especially since the price of oil is dropping like a bad habit. I will like my friends and family to comment and make arguements that will help support or correct my research findings. I hope you will enjoy.

1 comment:

Gumby said...

I like oil. Oil is good. I like money. Money is good. I like Mike. Mike is kind of good.