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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Donuts anyone???

So this Christmas I spent in the beautiful state of Colorado with my in-laws. Kristen and I drove to and from Denver from Houston straight through in one day. It was a great 14-15 hour trip.
While visiting Kristen's parents we had a great time hanging with the family. We had a wonderful Christmas with them and their traditions. While there we had a few experiences that eventually turn into classics. Previous classics is eating all the oreos at the family reunion, Mom's hiccups, digging trenches for Dad, Foos Ball and Twinkies.
This time around adds some more stories to the classic book. We were sitting one evening in the kitchen talking to Rachel and mom about driving. Mom was off cooking something delicious as always. Our conversation was directed to Rachel and her driving. It was extremely cold out in Denver with alot of snow on the ground. So we were talking about driving in snow and Rachel's experience with it.
So as we were talking I start messing with everyone's head by telling Rachel that we need to go out and experience "true" snow driving (donuts and drifting and stuff to that matter). So I start joking with Rachel that we should go out and do donuts. Mom obviously not paying attention says, "There are not any Donut Shops open at this hour!" We turn, take a look at her, then at each other, then busted out laughing!!! She was like what, there are not open. Then I told her that I was going to teach Rachel how to do donuts with the car!!! At that moment, she knew she was doomed again.
On couple of our last days we planned on going snowboarding. So we went to copper mountain and boarded. We started by going up the blue runs. Kristen and I wanted to go to the greens to learn our front edge. So we had to go over traverses to reach the greens. The only problem with traverses is that you have to have enough speed going down to go back up these traverses. Well, when you do not have a grasp for the front edge this is a difficult task!!!
Well on the first traverse this guy was teaching a girl what I was trying to learn. THE FRONT EDGE!!! So he told me to bend my knees and go, bending your knees helps you get a better feel of the front edge. So he went ahead and then I went. If he didn't go ahead, I would of thought he was gay!!!
I made my way down and about half way I caught my front edge. Then I try to correct myself but over did it but caught myself. When I caught myself I hit a patch of ice and went straight up in the air, my feet that is, with a few explicits and fell straight on my butt. After other falls I get up right away and try again. Oh no, no, no, there is no getting up after falling on ice and feeling like 200 lb. linebacker just slammed you in the ground. That's pretty specific, uh, yeah, cause I was the quarterback for my high school freshman team. Thats what I experienced and felt after THE FALL.
Now after 10 min. on the ground I got up in agony and tried it again. Well, I met my battles again with another traverse. And again I lost the battle!!! This time it was confirmed. My butt hurts and there is no way of me taking on a traverse, front edge or snowboarding for the rest of the trip. Only bad thing is, I still had half the hill to get down. So lets say what would normally be a 15 min. trip down the hill turned to 2 hours. About a quarter of it I slid down on my side holding my board up to go and stopping with the board down. Now if you have never slid down the hill on your butt before, its a lot of fun, that's if your butt did killed!!!
You know the whole boarding trip wouldn't be bad if I was flying home that week. Noooo, I drove to Colorado. I almost bought a Donut to sit on. Oh well the price you pay for family. All in all excellent trip!!!


Tricia said...

so you love snowboarding huh. You're going to need to get better if you guys ever move to Colorado. I thought it was funny when I was talking to my mom and she said you guys stopped after the first run. Kristen's post said that you guys had been all day. Oh and classic mom response.

Mike said...

we had been there all day. And I only stopped so that he wouldn't sit there alone, but I went back up with Mom and Dad before we were done and did two more runs. I would have done another one but on the last run I hit ice and went down head first flipped to my side and landed hard on my hip and then my head hit the ground and got really bad whip lash.

Kristen M. Egbert said...

i didn't realize i was logged in as mike thats my post not mike

Cody said...

Good ole Colorado!!

Gumby said...

You just weren't doing it in the true fashion of snowboarding. You needed to give yourself a mohawk and a funky looking red neck beard-mustache thing, and then make the run in the buff with only some snow bibs to protect your naughties. I guarantee you wouldn't have hurt your butt by falling, and it definitely wouldn't have taken you 2 hours to get down. Someday you will learn I guess.