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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spending making up 70% of the economy

As I was watching the news today on ABC, while making dinner I heard the headline of my post. I thought to myself, 70% of our economy is us spending money. Its not about us producing any good on behalf of the world. It is us funding the world by buying their product.
Now I'm not all about the "Made in U.S.A." campaign. I am all about globalization and how everyone can benefit. The only people or economies benefiting is other countries.
We have a problem. One of the main reasons we are in a recession is because we are a consumption base economy. We need to be more production base with new technologies. We need to build more efficent technologies, systems, energy and so on. This will allow us to be able not to be a consumption base. If we build more then the world will not depend on our consumption rather be dependent on our growth and innovation. Just food for thought, love to hear some comments on this.

1 comment:

Cody said...

I don't think that it is a big problem that we are a consumption economy. It's ok if we are producing to meet the consumption, but job layoffs aren't helping that. Create meaningful jobs to employ people so they can start spending money. On the other side, maybe people should be content on just doing without a lot of goods.

I also think that part of the problem is that businesses are employing people outside the U.S. for way cheap. Americans do not get employed and foreign countries get employed people, but are paid pennies. Stop the outsourcing!